I know your thinking Rats, EWWW! But these creatures are indeed one of Gods creations and therefore amazing. However did you know that rats are one of the animals not mentioned in the Bible at all? Mice are mentioned several times and it is quite possible that some of these mice were indeed rats because even through the Middle Ages people thought rats were just big mice. Now I know there are wild rats and pet rats and nobody likes critters in your home when they are not invited but nonetheless they are living creatures and deserve respect. Perhaps learning a bit more about rats will change your thoughts about these amazing furry creatures.
**Continue reading the rest of this post here and don't forget to join Wildlife Wednedsay on Creation Conversations to download your FREE Rat resources like the copywork page I created below.

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1 comment:
Are you TRYING to give me nightmares! OH.My.Word... I am terrified of mice and rats girl... had a bad dream the other day that they were under my bed... I jumped so high off the bed... screamed... while everyone laughed at me! EEEK!
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