E is for Exquisite Mixed Media Artwork. We are continuing to work on our bird unit study through next week. This week we have been learning about song birds, perching birds, crows, pigeons, doves etc.
We read several great books. Nacho and Lolita was a really GREAT book and made this sappy momma cry. It is fabulous story and teaches a fabulous lesson. The illustrations are wonderful as well. I used this guide to help me discuss the book further with the kids.
Then we made some mixed media exquisite artwork. This was great craft and really encouraged the kids to use their creativity. They are super easy to make below are the instructions.
-Large Piece of Paper
-Raffia, Yarn, Feathers, Dried Leaves, Cotton and other various items to build a nest
-Pom Poms
-Egg Shells (I saved some eggs shells after breakfast, cleaned them out really well and let them sit out for several days)
-RoseArt Tempera Painters
-Kid-Friendly Scissors
-Wiggle Eyes
-Yellow Felt
-RoseArt White Glue
-Hot Glue Gun
1) Have your children build a nest using the materials they have gathered.
2) After the nest is built have children make pompom babies and place them into the cleaned out egg shells. Then glue the egg shells onto the nest. You can use wiggle eyes or mini pompoms for the eyes and make a little beak out of yellow or orange felt.
3) Next you will make the mommy or daddy bird. Use the fabulous RoseArt Tempera Painters to paint your child's hand (Gwyn decided to make a colorful bird, Rowyn wanted a Bluebird). Then place your child's hand on the paper slightly above the nest, keeping their spread out as far as possible so it makes the head. Add a felt beak and wiggle eyes.
4) Children can also add clouds in clouds, a sun, a tree, etc to their picture.
And of course we wrapped it up with a couple fun videos like this one of a Robin Building a Nest and the one below.
What kinds of scientific or artistic fun have you been having?

*Disclaimer - RoseArt (Mega Brand) supplies us with lots of wonderful products in return for honest reviews and craft project how to's. I was not compensated for my review and all opinions are our own! Many of the links found on my side bars and in my blog posts are affiliate links. As a result, I might get paid money and I will most likely spend the money on homeschool supplies.
Linking up with this week:
Educating Laytons, Ben and Me, Slowly Natural, Upside Down Homeschooling, I Can Teach My Child, Adventures in Mommydom, A Little R & R, JDaniels4Mom, The Momma Knows, HSBA Post
I would be interested in doing things like this with our kids....reviews of products and blogging. How do you get started, or connect with art supplies and such?
great job Kathy! love this project!
K Swicz I simply just asked. Many companies are open to having bloggers do reviews you just need to confront them and tell them what you can offer them and how you will help promote their products. If you click on the image of the books it will get larger. But the books were Birds, Red Knot, Fine Feathered Friends, Feathers for Lunch, Big Chickens. All were great but Nacho and Lolita was our favorite.
Oh my goodness I love that eggshell bird craft, what an original idea.
Thanks for linking up to Science Sunday! Sorry I'm so late in commenting, I got behind with our trip.
This is an awesome ART project! Thanks Kathy for linking up to The Homeschool Post #HSBAT !
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