In our homeschool this week...
It was a great slow week. I cannot believe another month has come and gone. We are not quite done with our bird unit study so we will be extending it another 2 weeks then we will probably do a unit study on Mythology.
Here are some highlights:
Sunday we just enjoyed time at home, like we pretty much do every Sunday. Monday we had fieldtrip at Rock City, more details and picts below. Tuesday after we dropped off daddy at work went to the Nature Center to have some comfy cozy reading time and to take a quick nature walk. Wednesday we had a fun day filled with science, online learning and music. Read more and see more pictures on my Learning About Extinct and Prehistoric Birds - Like The Dodo And Dromornithidae post. Thursday we pretty much too the day off except for some math with A+. Friday Grandma and Grandpa visited for a little bit. Afterwards we had some fun in the kitchen making chocolate bird nests. Saturday we went on a mini field trip to Native American Day at one of the Historic Houses in downtown Roswell.
We also had a great week participating in the International Homeschool Spirit Week (lots of pictures from this week can be viewed at this link).
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
We also had a great week participating in the International Homeschool Spirit Week (lots of pictures from this week can be viewed at this link).
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Homeschooling is NOT always easy (if you already homeschool you know what I am talking about). If you are considering or new to homeschooling you need to know this. There will be days you feel like giving up. You will feel unappreciated. And a lot of your time (including your personal spare time)will be devoted to homeschooling your kids. You will not get much personal time to devote to hobbies, friends, etc. But I can tell you it is totally worth it and the moment you see your kids light up when they learn something new will know what I mean.
I am inspired by…
All the amazing homeschool companies that work so very hard to make quality products and encourage homeschoolers. Like Unit Studies By Amanda Bennett, Apologia, Family Time Fitness, Master Books, Schoolhouse Teachers, Bright Ideas Press and the many others.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
This week we got to take a fieldtrip with daddy to Rock City in Lookout Mountain, GA. It is a rare treat to get to take a fieldtrip with daddy and we had a great time (review coming soon). We had a day filled with science, history, geography and more. On Tuesday we visited our favorite nature center. We read about prehistoric and endangered birds and took a short nature walk. On Saturday we went to Native American Day at the Smith Plantation in Roswell, GA.
Next week we are planning to visit some friends and of course take our weekly nature walk. Saturday we are volunteering at a local school with my husbands employer. We will be doing some painting and other various projects.
My favorite thing this week was…
Going on a fieldtrip to Rock City with daddy in tow!
Things I’m working on…
Setting up Excellence in Writing which we will be using this year for reading and writing. I am super excited about this program which teaches children to read and write in a fun, stress free way. Stay tuned for a review in early November.
I’m reading…
I am starting to read IndoctriNation by New Leaf Publishing be sure to keep an eye out for a review and Twitter Party announcement.
I’m praying for…
My many friends both online and offline who are going through rough times right now and dealing with illnesses, broken down cars, money problems, marriage problems, child problems....
Favorite Resource...
Our favorite resource this week was our Music Together curriculum you can read the review here. And Plaster of Paris even though its more of material than a resource.
One my blog this week (posts you may have missed)...
Music Together Family Favorites CD and Songbook Review
Twin Day - International Spirit Week
FreeBee Fridays - Free Kindle and Audio Books
Mismatch Day - International Spirit Week
Crazy Sock Day - International Spirit Week
Learning About Extinct and Prehistoric Birds - Like The Dodo And Dromornithidae
Comfy Cozy Day - International Spirit Week
Top 10 Favorite Craft Supplies
Homeschoool Away From Home - International Spirit Week
Georgia FREE Unit Study Resources
Homeschool Legacy Once-a-Week Unit Studies - Birds Of A Feather Review
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
I am inspired by…
All the amazing homeschool companies that work so very hard to make quality products and encourage homeschoolers. Like Unit Studies By Amanda Bennett, Apologia, Family Time Fitness, Master Books, Schoolhouse Teachers, Bright Ideas Press and the many others.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
This week we got to take a fieldtrip with daddy to Rock City in Lookout Mountain, GA. It is a rare treat to get to take a fieldtrip with daddy and we had a great time (review coming soon). We had a day filled with science, history, geography and more. On Tuesday we visited our favorite nature center. We read about prehistoric and endangered birds and took a short nature walk. On Saturday we went to Native American Day at the Smith Plantation in Roswell, GA.
Next week we are planning to visit some friends and of course take our weekly nature walk. Saturday we are volunteering at a local school with my husbands employer. We will be doing some painting and other various projects.
My favorite thing this week was…
Going on a fieldtrip to Rock City with daddy in tow!
Things I’m working on…
Setting up Excellence in Writing which we will be using this year for reading and writing. I am super excited about this program which teaches children to read and write in a fun, stress free way. Stay tuned for a review in early November.
I’m reading…
I am starting to read IndoctriNation by New Leaf Publishing be sure to keep an eye out for a review and Twitter Party announcement.
I’m praying for…
My many friends both online and offline who are going through rough times right now and dealing with illnesses, broken down cars, money problems, marriage problems, child problems....
Favorite Resource...
Our favorite resource this week was our Music Together curriculum you can read the review here. And Plaster of Paris even though its more of material than a resource.
One my blog this week (posts you may have missed)...
Music Together Family Favorites CD and Songbook Review
Twin Day - International Spirit Week
FreeBee Fridays - Free Kindle and Audio Books
Mismatch Day - International Spirit Week
Crazy Sock Day - International Spirit Week
Learning About Extinct and Prehistoric Birds - Like The Dodo And Dromornithidae
Comfy Cozy Day - International Spirit Week
Top 10 Favorite Craft Supplies
Homeschoool Away From Home - International Spirit Week
Georgia FREE Unit Study Resources
Homeschool Legacy Once-a-Week Unit Studies - Birds Of A Feather Review
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

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1 comment:
Hi Kathy. I think you normally have another commenting platform on your blog, but it will not load for me this morning! The blogger commenting link was there, so I clicked this instead.
Anyway, it looks like you all had a very nice week! You certainly were busy on your blog...look at all those posts :) I'll be reading your review of Music Together next. Plaster of paris totally counts as a resource...while I find plaster of paris a bit intimidating myself, all sorts of craft materials are favorites here at our house!
Hope you're having a good week :)
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