In our life and homeschool the past two weeks...
I am a couple weeks behind again because we have been VERY busy. So here is a two week update. We have had lots of fun fieldtrips and are extending our marine mammal unit study into February. We have also been learning about black history, Chinese New Year and Valentines Day. Because of a fun field trip to the circus we also had a mini circus unit study one day as well. The kids behavior has not been the greatest so we spent this past Friday at home working on some character issues like ungratefulness. We skipped homeschool, a visit from friends, our volunteering at the horse farm and instead the kids did extra chores, spent time alone in their rooms and contemplated the poor behavior and character issues they had throughout the week.
My favorite thing the last 2 weeks was...
Taking a tour of the beautiful Swan House at the Atlanta History Center. We have been to the history center many times but we never seem to be able to fit a Swan House tour in. But this time we did and I was happy we did. The Swan House is on of the most recognized and photographed landmarks in Atlanta. It was built in 1928 for the Inman family who were heirs to a cotton brokerage. The mansion was designed by the famous Atlanta architect Philip Trammell Shutze. It is an elegant classically styled mansion and a must see if you ever visit Atlanta. As you enter the home look up above the door to see how the home got its name.
Places we're going and people we're seeing...
Besides the fun field trips above we also had a trip to the nature center, built skin dioramas with food, saw the Rock The Presidents show, visited a Shoalin Institute for a Chinese New Year celebration, volunteered at the horse farm and read to a dog at the library. It was a VERY busy 2 weeks and it will continue to be a busy month as we have lots more fun learning and fieldtrips taking place.
Reviewing some awesome products for the TOS crew like Handwriting With Out Tears, Abraham's Journey, Touch Math and a couple others. I am also working on getting some Spring cleaning/organizing done.
My children and their recent character/virtue issues.
What was your favorite activity this week in your homeschool?

*Disclaimer - Many of the links found on my side bars and in my blog posts are affiliate links. Please note that prices indicated in the post are subject to change. As a result, I might get paid money and I will most likely spend the money on homeschool supplies.
Linking up with: Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers, Homegrown Learners, Ben and Me, Educating Laytons, iHomeschool Network
I think we need to put the Swan House on our list to see! It was featured in a novel I just read. Thanks!
I've never been on a tour of the Swan House before - we definitely need to do that. Kathy, I applaud you for making your kids slow down for a day and contemplate some heart issues. I have to do that every now and then with my kids and it does a lot of good. You're a good mom. Thanks for linking with Collage Friday!
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