It is such an important election year, even though I am sure you didn't need me to tell you that. Fulton County, Georgia offers Saturday family voting days which allows parents the opportunity to teach Americas youngest citizens about the election process. There were all sorts of fun patriotic goodies for the kids like pencils, activity booklets, crayons, bracelets and temporary tattoos. The kids even got to cast an electronic ballot in a mock election where they voted for their favorite cartoon characters, favorite patriotic color (red, white or blue) and even some major issues like should recess stop being offered at school and should students be required to wear school uniforms. Of course since we homeschool Gwyns reply to the last two questions was "NO". Because she likes playing outside and well PJs are always the clothing of choice when we don't have plans to go anywhere. Fulton County offered family voting day at 6 locations.
Another exciting thing occurred while voting, WE MADE THE NEWS!!!! Yup channel 2 WSB-TV was there and they got a shot of Gwyn casting her mock ballot and then interviewed me! You can watch it here or click on the picture below either way you will end up on WSB-TV's website to watch the video our part is close to the end. Of course I mentioned we homeschooled but that was cut : (
The day before I had mentioned to the kids (while driving daddy to work) that they were going to vote with us and then it began the moment I had been waiting for the kids showed interest in the Presidential Election and started asking TONS of questions. Up until then I had mentioned it a few times but they showed no interest. And I figured they were probably just too young to really dive into learning about the election process this time around. But after answering questions, explaining the process, why we vote, etc they were ready to go vote for Romney and quite bummed when I told them they had to be 18 years old to vote. When we got home I got out the Learn Our History Election Day DVD and put it in for the kids to watch! This is a FABULOUS DVD and if you're a new customer you can get it FREE just pay shipping and handling. *To get the FREE offer you will be registered in a program where you receive a regular priced DVD each month...but you can cancel at anytime. Even immediately after you receive the FREE DVD if you wish. I love how the DVD covers the election process and the history of why the USA implemented Presidential elections It even touches on how women and African Americans could not vote at first.
So this week we will probably be heading to the library to check out some books on voting, elections, Presidents, etc.

Here are some books I plan to get (some we actually read earlier this year but I am sure the kids won't mind reading them again):
-If I Ran For President
-Duck For President
-The Election Book: The People Pick a President
-Today on Election Day
-If I Were President
-Grace for President
And we will probably use a few of these FREE resources:
-2012 Election Teacher Resource Center - Pearson Education
-Election Day Lapbook from Homeschool Share
-Time for Kids - Election 2012 - lots of great resources, videos by kid reporters and more
-Scholastic - Election 2012 - games, printables, videos by kid reporters and more
-Free Election Unit Study from Build Your Library
-Schoolhouse Rock: Electoral College - YouTube - there are several others from Schoolhouse Rock as well so make sure you browse the channel
-How The President Is Elected from Enchanted Learning
-Make Your Own Election Book from - also be sure to check all the voting worksheets here too
We already have these hanging up in our homeschool room so snag yours now:
-Order a C-SPAN 2012 Electoral College Map Poster and other Special Offers FREE from C-SPAN Classroom
-Order a How to Become President of the U.S. Poster FREE from
Be sure to GET OUT and VOTE and take your kids along too!

*Disclaimer - Many of the links found on my side bars and in my blog posts are affiliate links. Please note that prices indicated in the post are subject to change. As a result, I might get paid money and I will most likely spend the money on homeschool supplies.
Linking up with 3 Boys and a Dog, Educating Laytons, Ben and Me, Slowly Natural, Upside Down Homeschooling, I Can Teach My Child, Adventures in Mommydom, A Little R & R, JDaniels4Mom, The Momma Knows, Look What We Did, All Boy Homeschool, 1+1+1=1
Hi Kathy! I am a homeschooling mother who is blessed by your blog, and I've nominated you for the Liebster Award. You can read the post @ my blog here ~ Lord bless you! Jan L. Burt
Great post and I'm glad you linked it up, but it's H week and I had to delete the link. :( See you next week!
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