Myself and about 50 blogger friends will be sharing activities and crafts related to our amazing 50 states. And all of the fun ideas that will be shared will be inspired by books! Head over to the Growing Book by Book blog for additional details.
The book that inspired our trip to Tennessee was the Down South written by Miles Backer and illustrated by Chuck Nitzberg. This book is part of the Travels with Charlie series published by Blue Apple Books. There are 4 books in the series Midwest, West, Northeast and South. For each state you will learn historical facts and discover the state capital and flag. Then you can read the clues to find the colorful landmark illustrations on the state map. The final clue is to find Charlie the dog hidden somewhere on the state map (kind of like Where's Waldo). The books are lots of fun and educational too! They are recommended for children ages 4-9 though slightly older and younger may enjoy them too. The Down South book covers 12 states: TN, VA, GA, AR, NC, AL, KY, FL, LA, MS, SC, WV.

We don't live in Tennessee, but Chattanooga is only about an hour's drive away from us. We have had many adventures in Tennessee and cannot wait to have more. Some of our favorite places in Tennessee are the Nashville Zoo, Chattanooga Aquarium, Titanic Museum, Rock City and Adventure Science Center! I highly recommend a visit to Tennessee there is so much fun stuff to see and do!
After reading the Travels with Charlie, Down South book the children knew right away what craft we had to make. A rockin' guitar of course. After all Tennessee has been known as Music City USA since the 1950's.
After reading the Travels with Charlie, Down South book the children knew right away what craft we had to make. A rockin' guitar of course. After all Tennessee has been known as Music City USA since the 1950's.
-8-10 rubber bands (different sizes and thicknesses)
-Cardboard box (shoe boxes work well)*
-Stickers, jewels, etc
-8-10 rubber bands (different sizes and thicknesses)
-Cardboard box (shoe boxes work well)*
-Stickers, jewels, etc
What to do:
1) Cut the top off of the shoe box if necessary.
2) Take the rubber bands and place them one by one around the box (either direction will work horizontal or longitudinal). Use different sizes and thickness to experiment with sound.
3) If you choose to you can create a guitar neck too out of the shoe box lid. Just cut a rectangular shape and glue it to the back of the box.
4) Decorate your box as desired with markers, jewels, etc.
5) Start a rock band and have hours of fun. Who knows maybe you will get to play on Music Row someday.
*Note on the containers. Other types of containers will work well too like oatmeal containers and even plastic tupperware. Have fun experimenting.
2) Take the rubber bands and place them one by one around the box (either direction will work horizontal or longitudinal). Use different sizes and thickness to experiment with sound.
3) If you choose to you can create a guitar neck too out of the shoe box lid. Just cut a rectangular shape and glue it to the back of the box.
4) Decorate your box as desired with markers, jewels, etc.
5) Start a rock band and have hours of fun. Who knows maybe you will get to play on Music Row someday.
*Note on the containers. Other types of containers will work well too like oatmeal containers and even plastic tupperware. Have fun experimenting.
For more great Booking Across The USA fun visit each state below:
Growing Book by Book, Everyday Snapshots, Teaching in the Fast Lane, The Educators' Spin On It, Crayonbox Learning, Enchanted Homeschooling Mom, 3rd Grade Thoughts, Mama Miss, Teaching Stars, Fabulously First, Lemon Lime Adventures, True Aim Education, Guided Math, Primary Inspired, Surviving a Teacher's Salary, Second Grade Smartypants, The Brown Bag Teacher, The Preschool Toolbox, Country Fun, Picture Books & Pirouettes, One Lesson at a Time, The Resource(ful) Room, Creative Family Fun, Peace, Love, and First Grade, Edventures with Kids, Africa to America, Teach Beside Me, Elementary Matters, Inspiring 2 NH Kids, Pink Stripey Socks, Kid World Citizen, iGameMom, Second Grade Math Maniac, Rockin' Teacher Materials, Great Peace Academy, Kathy Griffin's Teaching Strategies, Journey of a Substitute Teacher, My (Not So) Elementary Life, Stir the Wonder, Kidding Around Greenville, The Good Long Road, Kathy's Cluttered Mind, Curls and a Smile, Dilly Dabbles, Mama Smiles, Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy Crafts, Sprout's Bookshelf, All Done Monkey, Growing Firsties, ALLternative Learning, Delightful Learning, Kids Yoga Stories, and Where Imagination Grows.
Children and music is never a miss. Love the decorating they did on their guitars.
I love visiting the Chattanooga area! My parents live about an hour from there, in Ga, so we go often. It is a great city for homeschoolers.
How fun! I always think of music when I think of TN! Neat that TN has so much fun stuff to do, too. :)
Love, love, love the guitars and a perfect tie-in to TN. Thanks so much for being a part of Booking Across the USA!
Very fun! Mi kiddos would love this!
TN has some neat places I hope to visit one day!
I'm a TN gal and love your craft! We are learning about the states right now and those books would go right along with our studies.
Interesting. We lived in SC for two years and I didn't realize that it's the birthplace of Martin Luther King.
What a fun craft! I look forward to bringing this craft into my music lessons with my homeschool co-op this year :-)
Edison invented the light bulb AND the phonograph (among countless other things)?
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