Abundant Harvest is a game designed to get parents and children communicating about real word issues and the decisions they would make when confronted with various situations. There are two versions one for young kids 5 yrs + and one for teens/adults age 12 yrs +. The situations presented in the games help children learn the importance of making decisions that are based on principle. The scenarios provide parents, caregivers and educators the opportunity to teach children, and allow children to begin to develop and apply principle-based reasoning skills as they work their way through situations common in today's world. Read Victoria's review for more details.
Four lucky winners will win the Abundant Harvest game of their choice for their family's enjoyment. These games are designed to help you and your children open the lines of communication regarding various situations that they may, or are, being exposed to.
Victoria at DenSchool's husband thought it was surprising to learn which situations their children thought were so common they found them silly to be included as a discussion prompt. What will your children find nonchalant... or do you want to know?
Please visit DenSchool to read Victoria's review.

*Disclaimer - I did not personally review this item but thought it sounded very interesting so I am participating in marketing the giveaway in return for gaining social media followers. I was
not compensated for posting this and I did not personally review the product. Many of the links found on my side bars and in my blog posts are affiliate links. As a result, I might get paid money and I will most likely spend the money on homeschool supplies.
1 comment:
It would be the one for kids since I have a 9 & 5 yr old.
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