We had a super busy week and they are going to continue to be busy. Gwyn had her soccer evaluation on Sunday and is very anxious to get started. We will be doing the Upward soccer program again. We had three days of Valentine fun you can view that post here. There are also a lot of photos from our week on that post as wellence the reason there are not many on this post this week. Monday we also did our usual library run and storytime. On Thursday we went to see Snow White a production put on by the Atlanta Ballet. This was the first time the kids have ever seen a professional ballet production and they LOVED it. Afterwards we worked on our Lion/Africa unit study. Friday we will be staying home no fieldtrips or activities planned thank goodness., this sick momma needs a break. So we will be focusing on our Lion/Africa unit study, money and letters. And on Saturday while daddy is at work we will be doing some homeschool stuff as well. We will probably start our Presidents Day stuff.

If you have homeschool FreeBEEs to share
please link up at the bottom of this post!
You can copy the button from my right side bar.
please link up at the bottom of this post!
You can copy the button from my right side bar.
-Live Africa Cam
-Bubble Guppies Coloring Book
-Nick Jr - lots of great printables, activities and shows to watch
-Teacher Vision - Print 5 free resources and/or sign up for free 7 day trial. I use a proxy to just keep printing free things. Shh don't tell anyone.
-Black history learning - I highly recommend checking out Ruth and the Green book from your library - Here is a pdf of the real Green Book. Also check out this website.
-Awesome easy drawing lessons - Drawing for Kids
-Top ten online FREE phonics resources
-One of my daughters favorite artwork pieces comes to life here
FreeBEE events:
Well if you live in GA there are a lot of FREE events coming up this month and next month especially ones that have to do with Dr. Seuss. Check out my last post for details about these events.
I also just stumbled upon Lakeshore Learning. They offer FREE crafts every Saturday from 11am-3pm.
Sign up FreeBEEs, items I will be reviewing soon and items I won:
1) Adventures in Parenting book 2) I got this goodie as a Klout Perk. Are you on Klout? If not you should join its FREE
Books and DVDs we checked out from the library:
-Ruth and the Green Book - we will actually be meeting the author this month at our library - Calvin Alexander Ramsey
-Too Many Cats - by Lori Haskins Houran - great easy reader
-Meet Kay - American Girl Series - by Janet Shaw
-Faraway Drums - by Virginia Kroll
-Africa - Heinemann first library - by Leila Merrell Foster
-The Time of the Lion - by Caroline Pitcher
-DVD - Little Einsteins - Team Up For Adventure - the kids picked this up just because they love Little Einstein but there was actually stuff about Africa so it went great with our unit
-So You Want To Be President - by Judith St. George - great book for Presidents Day
-Elect Me - by Fran Mansushkin
-DVD - Free Willy 3
-DVD - Eye Witness Plant
-DVD - Ancient Egypt
New ideas have been added to my board. These are some of the things we are doing for our January units. Check out my other boards on Pinterest for ABC, 123, Art, etc ideas.
This is our February YouTube playlist keep checking back because I will be adding videos each week. It includes the various videos we will be using throughout February.
*Disclaimer - Many of the links found on my side bars and in my blog posts are affiliate links. As a result, I might get paid money and I will most likely spend the money on homeschool supplies.
This is our February YouTube playlist keep checking back because I will be adding videos each week. It includes the various videos we will be using throughout February.
I hope you find these resources useful. If you ever have any questions feel free to leave me a comment or email me. Also be sure to follow my FB page where I post FreeBEEs daily.
*Disclaimer - Many of the links found on my side bars and in my blog posts are affiliate links. As a result, I might get paid money and I will most likely spend the money on homeschool supplies.
I bet the ballet was wonderful!
Thanks for linking, Kathy and for all the continued Freebies!!
Another great week...I wonder if my kids would enjoy a ballet? Hmmm... Thanks for linking up to FTF!
Seeing a ballet must have been fun. Every year i think about taking mine to see the nut cracker and then something comes up and we miss it. Thanks for linking up to the home school field trip hop
I would LOVE to take my kids to see a ballet! Maybe this year =-) Thanks for linking up at TGIF - see you tomorrow =-)
This looks like so much fun! We've gone to the Nutcracker and my girls loved it! I'm a new follower from the Field Trip Blog Hop :)
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