Welcome 2012!!!!
I didn't have time to write an update for December because well I was too busy getting caught up on my to do list. But December went very well and I completed all 3 goals.
I am changing things up a bit this year in our home and homeschool. I am going to be doing more of a gentle /guided learning approach with the kids. I am going to plan each week of homeschol a week in advance rather than trying to plan stuff the night before and many times the same day. I am going to start cooking and baking more from scratch to save money. I am going to limit my online time by only getting on social media during breakfast and lunch time, in the afternoon before dinner and just for a little bit after the kids go to bed (unless there is a Twitter or FB party). I am going to not stress about keeping up with all of the different blog link ups, memes, etc. When I started to blog early last year (sounds funny to say last year) I wanted it to be a personal journal and a place for homeschoolers to learn more about homeschooling and the resources/products that are available for homeschoolers. Have you seen my NEW resource page (it is still under construction)? But I started getting sucked into the blog-o-sphere and was spending too much time fiddling with my blog and trying to write posts for every link up and meme. I don't know how some bloggers post everyday (have you ever noticed my posts are almost always on Friday, Saturday and Sunday)? I just don't have enough time in the day and get overwhelmed with dividing my time between the kids, husband, myself, household chores, etc. With that being said I am going to be focusing on my weekly wrap ups, FREE resources available for homeschoolers, 3 in 30, one book club or challenge a month, reviews/giveaways and marketing my affiliate links. My children, husband, myself and house come first!!! I am going to go out on more dates with my husband, mom only outings and more one on one mommy dates with each kid (if extra funds are available). And I am going to focus on building my friendships and making more hopefully. I have always had a hard time making friends and for over 11 yrs I haven't had a close girlfriend. You know someone you can confide in, share mommy stories with, go out with, hug, text/talk on the phone, cry with. Well last year I met 4 women who live somewhat close to me that I can now call my friends. And there you have it these are my New Years Resolutions.
My word for 2012 is TONE! No I am not planning to workout! I am talking about this TONE: a particular quality, way of sounding, modulation, or intonation of the voice as expressive of some meaning, feeling, spirit, etc.: a tone of command.The character of voice expressing an emotion. I will be focusing on the tone I set for the day and the tone I use with the kids.
Now for my January goals. I thought of about 5 goals and after much thought narrowed them down these three.
I didn't have time to write an update for December because well I was too busy getting caught up on my to do list. But December went very well and I completed all 3 goals.
I am changing things up a bit this year in our home and homeschool. I am going to be doing more of a gentle /guided learning approach with the kids. I am going to plan each week of homeschol a week in advance rather than trying to plan stuff the night before and many times the same day. I am going to start cooking and baking more from scratch to save money. I am going to limit my online time by only getting on social media during breakfast and lunch time, in the afternoon before dinner and just for a little bit after the kids go to bed (unless there is a Twitter or FB party). I am going to not stress about keeping up with all of the different blog link ups, memes, etc. When I started to blog early last year (sounds funny to say last year) I wanted it to be a personal journal and a place for homeschoolers to learn more about homeschooling and the resources/products that are available for homeschoolers. Have you seen my NEW resource page (it is still under construction)? But I started getting sucked into the blog-o-sphere and was spending too much time fiddling with my blog and trying to write posts for every link up and meme. I don't know how some bloggers post everyday (have you ever noticed my posts are almost always on Friday, Saturday and Sunday)? I just don't have enough time in the day and get overwhelmed with dividing my time between the kids, husband, myself, household chores, etc. With that being said I am going to be focusing on my weekly wrap ups, FREE resources available for homeschoolers, 3 in 30, one book club or challenge a month, reviews/giveaways and marketing my affiliate links. My children, husband, myself and house come first!!! I am going to go out on more dates with my husband, mom only outings and more one on one mommy dates with each kid (if extra funds are available). And I am going to focus on building my friendships and making more hopefully. I have always had a hard time making friends and for over 11 yrs I haven't had a close girlfriend. You know someone you can confide in, share mommy stories with, go out with, hug, text/talk on the phone, cry with. Well last year I met 4 women who live somewhat close to me that I can now call my friends. And there you have it these are my New Years Resolutions.
My word for 2012 is TONE! No I am not planning to workout! I am talking about this TONE: a particular quality, way of sounding, modulation, or intonation of the voice as expressive of some meaning, feeling, spirit, etc.: a tone of command.The character of voice expressing an emotion. I will be focusing on the tone I set for the day and the tone I use with the kids.
Now for my January goals. I thought of about 5 goals and after much thought narrowed them down these three.
January Goals:
1. Complete these two activities - 31 Days to Pray for Your Spouse and How To Have A HEART For Your Kids - I am very excited to be joining both of these. And look forward to growing as a wife and mother. Its not too late to join in the fun if you are reading this and not participating read my post here to find out how.
2. Scrapbook - complete at least two pages a week - I am so far behind on scrapbooking about 5 yrs on the kids albums and even longer on my childhood albums. I am setting my goal low and hope I accomplish more than two pages but with kids,
3. Get my email inbox under control - Right now there are over 2,000 emails in my inbox. My goal is to get that down to at least 100 by the end of the month.
Any encouraging words or suggestions are always appreciated! And if your a friend on Twitter or Facebook and see me on there too much during the day please feel free to give me a virtual smack!
2,000?? Wow - I get nervous when I have 20! LOL :)
Those are great goals - you can do this!! I'll be cheering you on!
Great goals Kathy! Good job reaching last months goals too! I'm cheering for you!
Great goal! Anger affects my tone so many regretful times. Looking forward to reading your updates.
That's a lot of email! I thought mine was bad at 75...Thanks for making me feel better - haha! Great goals. I look forward to reading about your progress. Good luck!
I like your word for 2012! It's funny, I hadn't ever thought about choosing a word to represent what I wanted to work on in the new year, and just within the past few days I've been hearing it a lot! I've been inspired to come up with my own.
About resources, if you ever want to link up with my Favorite Resources posts, I typically do them on Fridays, but I've been taking a break over the holiday season. I'll start up again this coming Friday. I have a Favorite Resources page, too, if you're interested (http://thegettys.blogspot.com/p/favorite-resources_20.html ) and a page of some good kids' sites (http://thegettys.blogspot.com/p/kid-friendly-links.html).
Happy New Year :)
GREAT Word...TONE and great way to keep it real....and focused on what you need to do for your family! Love ya!
YOU GO GIRL!!! That is all I can think of to say with your goals. They are great!!!
awesome goals- remind me to tell you about my scrapbooking system - you'll never be BEHIND again! :)
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