Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 3 in 30 Challenge - Week 1 Progress

Well its better late than never to give you an update on my May goals for the 3 in 30 Challenge.

I don't feel I had much progress last week because it was a hectic and stressful week and I was so stinking tired everyday. Hubby got home very late a couple of days so I didn't have much free time during the week. He is also dealing with problems at work right now and is very stressed so I felt I needed to devote more time to him. Gwyns dance studio was doing pictures on Thursday which was uneventful. And then we were busy with field trips and outings Friday-Sunday. We went to the Smith-Gilbert Botanical Gardens in Kennesaw, GA on Friday which was a blast (Gwyn and I played hookie from PreK and work). And on Saturday we spent most of the day at Fernbank Museum in Atlanta, GA. On Sunday for Mothers Day my brother and his wife had the family over for dinner.

Well here are my goals for May and the progress I made last week:

1. Start getting my homeschool curriculum put together and organized. - Didn't do a darn thing.
2. Stop using fowl language around my kids. *ashamed of this one* The one goal I actually had progress with. I did very well when I was with the kids and only had a few slip ups. Two were when I was driving to Atlanta and got cut off twice, does that count? The other slip ups were with my husband when he was venting about work and I was agreeing with him about how ridiculous (okay insert other words) his company is.
3.Play a game with my kids at least once a week. - Didn't pay any games, but we did go on two field trips.

So what do you think? Any words of encouragement?


Ashley Pichea [PicheaPlace.com] said...

I think you did well for week one - any progress is progress! :) Old habits die hard, so keep pushing on and being intentional about creating those new habits! Plus, you've got three more weeks left in the month! :)

KaeliH said...

Following from the homeschool blog roll. My son Logan is 5 months but we plan to homeschool. I am following you first years to learn from you as you begin. Would appreciate if you would follow me back in GFC at my blog

Kathy Balman said...

KaeliH Followed your blog thanks for following mine!

Unknown said...

You are making great progress! It's only the first week, and it takes time :) Sounds like you had such a busy week, but with some fun things thrown in!

I would so love to go to a botanical garden, but with my allergies I'm afraid I would spend most of my time with my nose in a tissue!!

Kathy Balman said...

Thanks guys for the encouragement!

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