We had so much fun participating in Booking Across The USA last year that we decided to join the fun again. This year myself and about 49 blogger friends have each chosen an author or illustrator that was born in, lived in or currently lives in the state we chose to represent. And all of the books, crafts and activities that will be shared will be inspired by the book(s) that the author or illustrator has published! Head over to the Growing Book by Book blog for additional details.
As you may have guessed I chose Georgia which is the state we live in. The author we chose to highlight is Carole Marsh author and founder of Gallopade International. Carole resides in Peachtree City which is only about an hour away from where we live. Carole writes mystery fiction and also non-fiction books for children. She initially self-published under the imprint Gallopade Publishing Group which she founded in 1979, today Gallopade International is a major small publisher based in Peachtree City, Georgia. Carole received the Georgia Author of the Year award in 2007 for her contributions to children's literature and to the state of Georgia over her career. She has won several other awards as well. Gallopade International specializes in social studies, with an emphasis on history, geography and biographies correlated to educational standards.
We decided it would be fun to interview Carole Marsh, so here are the questions that the kids came up with and her replies.
Carole Marsh interview:
Which of your books is your favorite and why?
- I always say my latest book is my favorite (maybe because it's finally done?!)...so that would be "HELLO IN THERE!": POETRY TO READ TO THE UNBORN BABY and NINE MONTHS IN MY MOMMY: AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AN UNBORN BABY. I wrote these a long time ago and have revived them with new original illustrations by a Savannah College of Art and Design student, and as a new series: Cherish the Unborn. As a preemie born 3 months early, I have always had a great respect for the unborn baby. I love the new PBS series "Twice Born" where they operate on unborn babies—so amazing!
How long have you been writing books?
- I always say I've been writing since before I was born...thought the uterus was a hammock where I could daydream, write in my head? But really, published my first book in 1979 after writing for magazines, newspapers, companies, and such for 12 years.
Why did you decide to write kids books?
- I chose to write for children because I knew it would be challenging! I wanted to repay all the authors who wrote the wonderful books I read as a child, also to change kids' lives, and, as I grew older and wiser, to save kids' lives, because unless you learn to read, and learn to love to read, you are lost!
Were you born in Georgia?
- I was born in Marietta in the old Kennesaw Military Hospital...not sure they knew what to do with 1.lb, 8 oz. preemies back then, but they done good!
Where do you get your inspiration for new books you write?
- Inspiration is not a problem; neither is writer's block! Kids, teachers, and parents inspire me. So does just observing the world around me. When my granddaughter Sadie was balking at potty training, a title flashed in my mind: A LITTLE POTTY NEVER HURT NOBODY! and that story was born. Alas, i have easily a dozen ideas a day and often wonder, "What is God thinking?" since I feel I should do them all. The last thing I wrote today was dialogue between 2 cute rats on a golf course. I thought, "The crazy things I do to make a living!"
Do you have any children?
- I have a son and daughter and teen grandkids and little grandkids, six in all; so blessed.
What is one piece of advice you would give children interested in becoming authors?
- Write from YOUR head and your heart and never let anyone talk you out of that voice—your voice. Uh, that means you, too, Moms!
Books and series Carole has written:
Carole Marsh is the author of several different children's book series....and even teachers guides and curriculum's. Our favorite series is the Real Kids Real Places...they are the perfect supplement for fieldtripping families.
Some of her book series are...
- Around the World in 80 Mysteries series
- Real Kids Real Places
- Pretty Darn Scary Mysteries
- Criss/Cross/Applesauce Mysteries
- Three Amigos Mysteries
- Masters of Disasters Mysteries
- Fantasy Field Trip Mysteries
- The Postcard Mysteries
- Awesome Mysteries
- Wildlife Mysteries
Other books Carole has written include...
- Girl Scout Mystery
- Mary America
- When Kids Take Over NASA
Other products include...
- Social Studies Curriculum
- DIY Classroom
- Daily Dozen Classroom Almanac
- 1,000 Readers Biographies Series
- American Milestones
And more....
Craft ideas:
These ideas go along great with the Atlanta Mystery Book.
- -Make a replica of Stone Mountain using modeling clay.
All you need are some markers or crayons, a light of some sort (Christmas lights work well) and a flat box, shoe box or oatmeal container. Next show your children a picture of your cities skyline and have them try to recreate it on there box or container. After they draw their picture have them color it in with markers or crayons. Next take a pencil or exacto knife and help your child poke holes were windows would be. Then place a light behind or in the container to see your skyline light up.
- Make a dream catcher to learn more about Georgia's Native American history.
- Make a plaster cast of a Live Oak leaf.
- Make your own Atlanta skyline
Here are the instructions:
All you need is some air dry clay, clay tools, pipe cleaners, a grocery bag stuffed with a fist sized ball of paper and tied off at the bottom with a rubber band (cut the excess at the bottom) and a photo of stone mountain. Mold the clay around the armature (bag stuffed with paper) to create a Stone Mountain. The armature makes the piece hollow and saves clay. Next have the child use their clay tools to carve out the 3 figures on Stone Mountain (Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Jefferson Davis). Lastly have your child create some trees to complete Stone Mountain.
For more great Booking Across The USA fun visit Growing Book by Book or visit each of the bloggers listed below:
edSnapshots, Incredibly Confident Kids, Child Led Life, Crayonbox Learning, Enchanted Homeschooling Mom,The Educators' Spin On It, The Art Curator for Kids, My Little Me , Kathys Cluttered Mind, Story Time Secrets, True Aim, The Jenny Evolution, Primary Inspired, KC Edventures, Chicken Babies, Mosswood Connections, Country Fun Childcare, Picture Books & Piourettes, Mama Smiles, Buggy and Buddy, Wise Owl Factory, Bambini Travel, Inspiration Laboratories , Kids Yoga Stories, Elementary Matters, Just Another Mom, Teaching With Grace, All Done Monkey, Something 2 Offer, ALLterNATIVE Learning, Cutting Tiny Bites, JDaniels4's Mom, Living Montessori Now, Pragmatic Mom, Kid World Citizen, Teach Beside Me, Kitchen Floor Crafts, Mama Miss, A Book Long Enough, and Brain Power Boy
Follow the Booking Across the USA Pinterest board.

Have you ever read any books written by Carole Marsh? If so what is your favorite?
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