I was asked by Free Homeschool Deals to write a guest post about "A Day In The Life Of Our Free Homeschool". Of course I jumped at the opportunity, sharing about how we homeschool for free is one reasons I started blogging and what I enjoy sharing most about on my blog!
In 2011 I quit my full time job to become a stay at home/homeschool mom. I had planned and prepared though for a year prior. I wanted to be sure we could live on one income and still provide all the necessities for our family without making any HUGE sacrifices or ever using another credit card (we are debt free). I had figured that we would need to spend a minimum of $300-$400 on curriculum per child each year. I began to worry a little bit. In 2011 we were barely scraping by and I was getting ready to quit my job.What was I thinking? How would we be able to go on any field trips? Let the children participate in extracurricular activities? Buy art/craft supplies? Deal with an increase our grocery budget? These are just some of the questions that popped into my head. But after more research and many internet searches later I realized that we didn't NEED to spend ANY money on curriculum. We could save that money and use it for other things.
Continue reading this post over at Free Homeschool Deals.

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