PLUS...with the added bonus of this being a monthly link up...where you can showcase your freebies, things you've found online, and also, things you've received in the mail, totally FREE this month.
Hopefully you grabbed the great resources from both Jen and I last week! These were both limited time freebies and are both expired now. But keep your eyes open because on the 15th I have another special limited FreeBEE for you that you won't want to miss. Remember that we are changing things up this year so we are only posting our FreeBEE posts the first two Fridays each month. The first Friday of every month, we will be providing a link and a savings code for you to get a FREE product from some of our favorite homeschool companies. These great sponsors are offering these *Limited Time FreeBEEs* of lapbooks, unit studies, online classes, and more to bless homeschool families (you the reader)! The second Friday of every month we will have our Homeschool FreeBEE Friday Link Up. So our favorite bloggers can link up their FreeBEE posts! This link up will be open through the rest of the instead of a weekly meme this will be monthly, now.
please link up at the bottom of this post!
You can copy the button from my right side bar.
I am a little late, sorry, I have been super busy. This month I am sharing some fun, FREE Easter and St. Patrick's Day resources. This is a shorter list than I normally post but I hope you will find these resources helpful.
St. Patrick's Day
-3 Dinosaurs clover tracing craft
-St. Patrick's Day wordsearch
-Two Teaching Mommies St. Patrick's Day Kindergarten pack
-Enchanted Homeschool Mom St. Patrick's Day emergent reader and mini unit
-Shamrock math from
-St. Patrick's Day notebooking pages
-Easter printable pack from Enchanted Homeschool Mom
-Easter notebooking pages
-Bible story printables has lots of great Easter resources
-Lapbook lessons has a great Easter lapbook
-Easter lapbook
-Lapbook lessons has a great Easter lapbook
-Easter lapbook
I hope you find these resources useful. If you ever have any questions feel free to leave me a comment or email me. Also be sure to follow my FB page where I post FreeBEEs daily.

*Disclaimer - Many of the links found on my side bars and in my blog posts are affiliate links. Please note that prices indicated in the post are subject to change. As a result, I might get paid money and I will most likely spend the money on homeschool supplies.
Linking up with: 3 Boys and a Dog
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