Last week I shared Top 10 Favorite Craft Supplies. This week I am sharing Top 10 Favorite Educational Shows. We don't have cable so we either watch our favorite shows online for FREE, through our Roku Player or if they are really good I get them on DVD. Obviously Netflix and Amazon Prime to cost a fee to use. I suggest finding a friend to share access with since both of them can be set up on multiple devices.
1) Myth Busters - watch on Netflix or Amazon Prime (warning they do use some bad words on the show)
2) Learn Our History - order here right now you can get Election Day FREE just pay shipping. You will be signed up for a monthly program where they automatically send you a DVD (full price + shippping). However you can cancel at anytime so if you want you can cancel right after you get the FREE one.
3) Magic School Bus - watch online for FREE
4) Liberty Kids - watch on YouTube for FREE or Amazon Prime
5) The Cat in the Hat Knows About That - watch on the PBS website for FREE
6) Little Einstein - watch on Amazon Prime
7) Phineas and Ferb - watch on Netflix
8) Veggie Tales -
9) Have Fun Teaching - order the DVDs here or watch many of the videos online at the Have Fun Teaching website for FREE
10) How Its Made - watch on the Discovery Channels website for FREE or Amazon Prime
We have several others but these are our FAVORITES! Pretty much any show on Discovery Channel, Science Channel, History Channel, PBS, The Learning Channel, Animal Planet is a FAVORITE in our house! Since we don't have cable we either watch these by streaming them through our Roku on Netflix or Amazon Prime or we watch them online for FREE.
Thanks for stopping by!

*Disclaimer - Many of the links found on my side bars and in my blog posts are affiliate links. Please note that prices indicated in the post are subject to change. As a result, I might get paid money and I will most likely spend the money on homeschool supplies.
Linking up with:
Top Ten Tuesday
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