In our homeschool this week...
It was a very busy week. We didn't accomplish as much as I had hoped but the kids learned and that all that matters.
Here are some highlights:
Here are some highlights:
Sunday we just enjoyed time at home. Monday we attended homeschool day at the Chattahoochee Nature Center. After the class we hit the trails with friends. I gave a how to Geocache lesson...we found 3. Then the kids worked on their nature journals. Read more and see pictures on my Birds, Butterflies, Bees, Blossoms and Booty post. Tuesday Rowyn had speech then we ran a few quick errands. On the way to the library for Gwyns 1st Magic Tree House book club we decided to find a quick Geocache. After book club the kids wanted to find one more Geocache so I decided to find the one located by a local war memorial. While we visited the War memorial I talked a little with the kids about September 11th and we took a moment to thank all our brave soldiers who fight everyday for our freedom. Wednesday we had a day of music. We did several Kinderbach lessons and we listened to our Music Together CD (reviews coming soon on both). Then we turned on our Pandora Modern Classical station and danced. We also had fun making up stories to go along with the music. Thursday we went to Grandmas where the kids played outside. Then Gwyn and I headed to the Titanic and Bodies Exhibit in Atlanta. They were offering a FREE educators day and homeschool parents were invited. We had a blast together. Both exhibits were good and very educational. I do not think though it is worth the $38 fee they charge to get into both exhibits. Bodies was our favorite. We were both in awe of seeing real human bodies and organs up close. Yes the bodies and organs in the exhibit are not fake reproductions so if you are squeamish this is not the exhibit for you. Gwyns favorite part of the exhibit was the reproductive section where they had various stages of fetal developmental, from an egg - 28 weeks. It was absolutely amazing to see her face light up as she witnessed how a baby develops in the mothers womb. They do not allow photos in either of the exhibits so all I got were a couple photos of her outside in front of the posters. We also made a homeschool friend while we were there. Friday we went apple picking with friends and had a great time getting lost and almost running out of gas in the North GA Mountains. Saturday the kids and I went to Nutty Nature Day at the Chattahoochee Nature Center. We had a great time and made another homeschool friend. We watched a very funny juggler preform, made tree faces, saw tree man, learned about the Merlin Falcon and took a great guided tour of the marsh area at the nature center. After our morning exploring nature we headed over to my sisters house for her surprise 40th birthday and had a great night with family.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Take time to DANCE with your kids and "dance like no ones watching."
I am inspired by…
My kids who can make friends anywhere we go. And it doesn't matter if the other kids are older or younger or the same age.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
This week we explored nature twice, enjoyed the 1st Magic Tree House book club at the library, went apple picking and enjoyed mommy/daughter time at the Titanic and Bodies Exhibit.
Next week we have Lego Club at the library. Then Daddy is off for a long 4 day weekend so we are planning to go exploring at Davidson Arabia Mountain in South GA and then we are going to visit the History Center for their Fall Fest.
My favorite thing this week was…
Spending some one on one time with Gwyn at the Titanic and Bodies Exhibit.
Thoughts I have…
Ever notice how you have a sixth sense about whether or not someone homeschools? Twice this week I met homeschool families why we were out and about. I had this sense they homeschooled and ended up being right both times when I asked, "so do you homeschool?" Both times I got a strange look...I think they wondered how I knew they homeschooled. With one of them it was how well behaved and into the exhibit her child was. With the other it was the mention of nature journaling. Do you have a homeschool sixth sense?
Things I’m working on…
Still getting more organized.....I am beginning to think I will NEVER be organized.
I’m grateful for…
Living near so many nature centers and national parks. And how things always seem to fall into line with our unit study. Like while picking apples we got to check out an abandoned bird nest and while at Nutty Nature Day we got a lesson on the Merlin Falcon.
Favorite Resource(s)...
Our nature journals from Miller Pads and Paper (not the exact one we have but very similar).
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Take time to DANCE with your kids and "dance like no ones watching."
I am inspired by…
My kids who can make friends anywhere we go. And it doesn't matter if the other kids are older or younger or the same age.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
This week we explored nature twice, enjoyed the 1st Magic Tree House book club at the library, went apple picking and enjoyed mommy/daughter time at the Titanic and Bodies Exhibit.
Next week we have Lego Club at the library. Then Daddy is off for a long 4 day weekend so we are planning to go exploring at Davidson Arabia Mountain in South GA and then we are going to visit the History Center for their Fall Fest.
My favorite thing this week was…
Spending some one on one time with Gwyn at the Titanic and Bodies Exhibit.
Thoughts I have…
Ever notice how you have a sixth sense about whether or not someone homeschools? Twice this week I met homeschool families why we were out and about. I had this sense they homeschooled and ended up being right both times when I asked, "so do you homeschool?" Both times I got a strange look...I think they wondered how I knew they homeschooled. With one of them it was how well behaved and into the exhibit her child was. With the other it was the mention of nature journaling. Do you have a homeschool sixth sense?
Things I’m working on…
Still getting more organized.....I am beginning to think I will NEVER be organized.
I’m grateful for…
Living near so many nature centers and national parks. And how things always seem to fall into line with our unit study. Like while picking apples we got to check out an abandoned bird nest and while at Nutty Nature Day we got a lesson on the Merlin Falcon.
Favorite Resource(s)...
Our nature journals from Miller Pads and Paper (not the exact one we have but very similar).
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

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1 comment:
Looks like another full and fun week :) I know what you mean about the homeschool sixth sense...I work in a library, so I get to meet all the homeschoolers that way. Those nature notebooks are great! Thanks for sharing at Favorite Resources.
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