In our homeschool this week...
We had a rough week. I am not sure why maybe something to do with Rowyn getting surgery this week on his wrist. I have two emotional children who don't deal with change or stress very well (just like their momma). Friday ended up being a pretty good day though.
Here are some highlights:
Here are some highlights:
Saturday we took it easy and I tried to catch up on some things. I made pretty good progress. I got lots of stuff printed, some file folder games created and a few posts written. The kids watched educational shows on the Roku, put together puzzles and made necklaces. Sunday we went to the lake with my family. The kids had a great time playing with their cousins in the water and on the beach. I had a great time talking with my siblings and catching up on some reading. Monday was our weekly errand day. We went to speech therapy, got our September unit study books at the library, vacuumed the car and picked up a few things at dollar tree. We also found a road kill Blue Jay and yup I bagged and tagged him. We had a fun time dissecting him and starting our Bird Unit study a little early. To view all the photos read the post here here. Tuesday Rowyn had his surgery so we I was up bright and early to give him his last fluids before surgery. His surgery went very well and it was a cyst on his wrist. The anesthesia didn't agree with him. He got sick on the way home and then fell asleep until about 5 pm which is when he finally ate something as well. His big sister did such a good job taking care of him. Oh and Gwyn lost 2 more teeth, she has lost a total of 6 now. Wednesday the kids did some learning on the computer, we made candles using melted tea light candles and sand molds then we headed the library for a Audubon Society class on the most common 10 birds in GA. We also learned about box turtles using our Apologia Land Animals book and the turtle we brought home to study for a short time. Thursday The kids did some Spanish using Speekee. Then we had a friend pop in for a bit. After our friends left we worked on the desert part of our sand unit study. We read a few books, examined our cacti and did some fun worksheets. We also made a simulation sand storm. Friday we took our weekly nature walk and did some nature journaling. We had lots of fun exploring the creek. We saw fish, a green heron, caterpillar and some really cool mushrooms. We also released our turtle friend. Daddy switched schedules with someone at work so he was home in time for dinner. We had some gift cards for Olive Garden so we decided to enjoy dinner at a restaurant.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
I don't recommend threatening your kids with public school like this bad momma did this week.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
This week we went to the the hospital, a class on birds at the library and on a nature walk. We also had a great friend Rebecca from Moms Mustard Seeds and her kids swing by for a little bit on Thursday.
Next week we have our first homeschool book club meeting which I am facilitating (wish me luck). We are going over to a friends house to take some fun back to school photos. And we will be going to the library for an event, Barnes and Nobles to meet an author and the Decatur Book Festival.
My favorite thing this week was…
The class on birds at the library and making candles using sand molds. Oh and dissecting a Blue Jay, check out my post here.
Things I’m working on…
I have been working on getting resources for our September unit study put together. We will be studying birds.
I’m grateful for…
Good friends that come to visit and chat.
I’m praying for…
Healing of my sons incision. And that we can somehow get a new car before December (waiting on a miracle).
Favorite Resource(s)...
Our favorite resources this week was our Land Animals of the 6th Day book from Apologia. This book is always great for learning more about amazing creatures.
Another favorite resource this week was our Audubon Apps for Android (also available for iPhone). These are always great for our nature walks and help us identify various things on our journeys.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
I don't recommend threatening your kids with public school like this bad momma did this week.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
This week we went to the the hospital, a class on birds at the library and on a nature walk. We also had a great friend Rebecca from Moms Mustard Seeds and her kids swing by for a little bit on Thursday.
Next week we have our first homeschool book club meeting which I am facilitating (wish me luck). We are going over to a friends house to take some fun back to school photos. And we will be going to the library for an event, Barnes and Nobles to meet an author and the Decatur Book Festival.
My favorite thing this week was…
The class on birds at the library and making candles using sand molds. Oh and dissecting a Blue Jay, check out my post here.
Things I’m working on…
I have been working on getting resources for our September unit study put together. We will be studying birds.
I’m grateful for…
Good friends that come to visit and chat.
I’m praying for…
Healing of my sons incision. And that we can somehow get a new car before December (waiting on a miracle).
Favorite Resource(s)...
Our favorite resources this week was our Land Animals of the 6th Day book from Apologia. This book is always great for learning more about amazing creatures.
Another favorite resource this week was our Audubon Apps for Android (also available for iPhone). These are always great for our nature walks and help us identify various things on our journeys.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
How was your week?

Linking up with:
Oh, when you study birds you need to read "A Nest for Celeste" to your kids as they study Audubon.
I'm glad your son is feeling better now and that his sister took good care of him. I know that did your heart good!
Fun times as usual in the Balman homeschool! Thanks for linking, Kathy!
Hope your son recovers quickly. My daughter gets a root canal this coming Thurs; tyring to do as much as I can before because I know it will cause things to slow down through the weekend. We are studying birds now (Apologia Flying Creatures). Thanks so much for sharing the Android app, downloading it now!!
Oh wow, what a week! I hope your son heals up quickly, and that next week doesn't turn out to be so rough. I am impressed about the blue jay's funny, I saw a squirrel dead in the road just yesterday, and I was thinking of the same sort of project.
Thanks for sharing at Favorite Resources :)
Oh what a great week- you always have such wonderfully creative projects going on with your kids! been praying for Rowyn and your car situation - love you!
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