Saturday, March 3, 2012

March 3 in 30 Goals

Okay I totally slacked last month on my goals and posts. And I didn't get ANY of them fully done. We were super busy last month and we will be again this month especially since I will be attending two homeschool conventions. I sometimes think we need to take the home out of homeschool because I feel like we re never home, lol. So I am carrying over some of my February goals and going to try again. At first you don't succeed try, try, try again, right?

February Goals:

1. Get reviews that need to be done written and scheduled - I still have a stack of things I need to review. I plan to take tomorrow to actually get caught up on some of these. 

2. Remember to visit and thank those that have linked up at FreeBEE Fridays - If you haven't seen my new link up with Gricefully Homeschooling check it out. If you have an educational FreeBEE you can link up every Friday to share it with others. 

3. Spring clean and organize -  I know that sounds very broad but the apartment has been taken over by clutter and there are spots that need some serious organizing. I also need to do a really good cleaning, which I hate doing.

Any encouraging words or suggestions are always appreciated!


Paula said...

Spring Cleaning-I usually move every spring and that cleans up things pretty well. That's probably more work though! Good luck with your goals!

Tami @ said...

I've gotten behind on my review writing, too!

Amanda @ The Pelsers said...

Glad you didn't give up on goals :)

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