Monday, October 17, 2011

October 3 in 30 Challenge - Week 2

Overall it was a pretty good week. I was still driving Ben to work which really cut into our days but I am happy to say his car is fixed so I have a mode of transportation again, yay!

1. Pack, pack, pack - I got about 6 boxes packed.

2. Clean, clean, clean the apartment (so we don't get charged any fees from property management company after leaving) - Got some cleaning done even though I am sure it is going to have to be done again because it is hard to keep things clean with 2 little ones.

3. Wake up earlier - Haven't really been getting up at my goal time of 6:30am-7:00am unless I was taking Ben to work. So no quite time for this momma.

View my past goals.

Any encouraging words or suggestions are always appreciated!


Amanda @ The Pelsers said...

I'm struggling with my wake up time too. Haven't been able to get back to 6:15am and my goal is 6am this month. :(

Unknown said...

I'm with you on the not getting up - totally failed all this week! Ugh.

Congrats on the packing and cleaning!!

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