It was another week filled with stress and curve balls. All in all September was a rough month and I fear October will be the same due to our move. I really only accomplished two of my goals for September.
September Goals:
1. Organize my recipes - Maybe next month when I actually start packing kitchen
2. Keep up with the Seasons of a Mothers Heart book club - I have joined the Home With The Boys book club and have finished five chapters so far. I am really enjoying the book. You can read my posts here. I may actually FINISH a book for once.
3. Find my children's learning styles -Yet another great week of homeschooling! It is so important to figure out how your children learn best and what they are ready to learn. Don't push them if they are not ready to tackle something you are trying to throw at them. Listen to your children and learn what their needs are.
October Goals:
1. Pack, pack, pack - We are allowed to move into our new apartment on October 26th but due to Ben's new work schedule we won't actually be moving in until October 29th. I have only packed up a few things so far so there is a lot of work to be done. At some point later in the month I am going to have to pack up the school supplies and toys so I think we will be taking the week of the 24th off.
2. Clean, clean, clean - Since we live in apartment we need to clean top to bottom and replace things like a broken blind, etc so we don't get charged. So it will be a fun filled month of cleaning and scrubbing.
3. Wake up earlier - I am joining Hello Mornings and am in the #MYM7 group. I have not been able to get up at my goal time which is between 6:30am-7:00am mostly because I am so stressed and haven't been sleeping. I am really hoping to change that in October. If I were able to get up at 6:30am-7:00am I would be able to accomplish some quite reading time and maybe get a few household things done before the kids get up at 8:30 am.
I would also like to add that this is our 7th move in the last 11 yrs so I am sort of a pro at packing, moving and cleaning, but boy to I hate doing it!
View my past goals.
Any encouraging words or suggestions are always appreciated!
I share the early get up time struggle. I'll do ok for a while and then something happens (stress, illness, pregnancy, etc.) that messes it up.
Blessings for October!
Oh, I've been through the fun of moving from an apartment. The cleaning especially seems to never end and you begin to wonder how such a small place could get so dirty! I can't wait to see you meet your goals this month!
We've moved a lot of times in my life too, so I feel your pain! Some years I did a great job at it and some years it was disorganized chaos. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!
I always find cleaning the apartment when moving out so stressful, especially when getting your deposit back depends on it! Good luck with your move! :)
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