I am a BzzAgent and was recently invited to try out a new program called Factor Tree for FREE for 1 month! With the help of my 5 yr old daughter we gave the program a try and here is our review. This was a great program for us to review since we will be starting Homeschooling in the Fall. She is currently in a public PreK program and has been learning basic math concepts since last Fall. She loves to workbook style learning and being on the computer and Factor Tree definitely offers both!
She enjoyed the placement test and several of the worksheets. But needed my assistance to help her choose her answers. I do not think we will continue to pay ($20 per month) for the service since there are not many worksheets for the Kindergarten level and she has already completed most of them. Personally I feel that $20 a month is a little steep for this program since it has limited worksheets at this time.There are other programs out in the webosphere that are less expensive or free that teach the same material.
I felt more math concepts such as money, patterns, measurments, graphs, basic word problems, basic subtraction and addition should be added to the Kindergarten level worksheets. I understand that we could skip to the next grade but after looking at the 1st grade material I felt it was just too advanced for her.
If Factor Tree was cheaper and added more materials for the Kindergarten level I would definilty consider purchasing it for homeschool purposes. I liked the overall layout of the system and parent section to view the childs progress.
You can try Factor Tree FREE for two weeks by entering the code BZA!
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